As you are probably aware all instruments are at some point discontinued from production. Our understanding is that Kjeltec 2000 series analysers were discontinued in 2009, and as a result from next year onwards, they will no longer be serviced or supported by the manufacturer.
However, we are glad to announce that AMPCS Ltd will continue to support your Kjeltec 2000 series instrument, as long as spare parts can be located.
AMPCS Ltd can provide Kjeltec users with:
- a highly cost-effective, reliable and responsive service for instrument repairs and upgrades.
- Customised preventative maintenance programmes.
- Experienced engineers, with an excess of 30 years’ experience work for the UK sales and support company.
- A comprehensive range of replacement parts and custom designed options.
- A full range of consumable items at very competitive prices.
Please contact AMPCS Ltd. if you would like a Service quotation for your Kjeltec analyser.
Special Trade-in Offer:
If you are interested in upgrading to the new OPSIS LiquidLINE KjelROC analyser, then AMPCS Ltd. are currently running a trade-in offer for orders received before June 30th 2016.
The KjelROC analyser can offer the user:
- A precise and cost efficient solution for distillation, titration and determination of protein according to the Kjeldahl method.
- A unit that is fully compliant to standards issued by organisations such as AOAC, IDF and ISO.
- A unique Titration system, OPSIS LiquidLINE Predictive Titration*, that lowers rsd which directly transforms to more precise results.
AMPCS Ltd are both ISO 9001:2008 and Safe Contractor accredited, this indicates our commitment to the customer.
Therefore, we hope this may help you in your decision to consider AMPCS Ltd. as an alternative service provider and supplier of new instrumentation. Should you require any further information or would like to discuss your requirements, please do not hesitate to contact AMPCS Ltd.