Blue Sun Analysers

Phoenix 5000 Sideloader

Phoenix 5000 Sideloader

Phoenix 5000 Top Window

Phoenix 6000 Sideloader

Wavelength Range

Wavelength Range

Wavelength Range

Wavelength Range

1100-2500nm (standard)

1100-2500nm (standard)

600-2500nm (extended)

600-2500nm (extended)

Sample Types

Sample Types

Sample Types

Sample Types

Ground and homogeneous

Ground, unground, homogeneous, heterogeneous, slurries, and liquids

Ground and homogeneous

Ground, unground, homogeneous, heterogeneous, slurries, and liquids

Sample Cups

Sample Cups

Sample Cups

Sample Cups

ISI ring cups

Large cup, ISI ring cup, transflectance cup

ISI ring cup

Large cup, ISI ring cup, transflectance cup

Ideal for

Ideal for

Ideal for

Ideal for

Automated, unattended analysis

Total sample scan

Automated, unattended analysis

Total sample scan

High-thoughput analysis

Flexible sample handling

High-thoughput analysis

Flexible sample handling